10. All About Congress with Congressional Staffer Allison Feikes

10. All About Congress with Congressional Staffer Allison Feikes

In this episode of the podcast, Mackenzie sits down to chat with congressional policy advisor/legislative assistant Allison Feikes. You may know Allison from her social media ventures such as TikTok, but Allison gives us a great inside look at what goes on in congress, and all sorts of ways that members of the community can stay involved and active in government. Allison and Mackenzie talk about getting a job on the hill, funny congress traditions, how things in congress change due to elections, and the hardest and best parts of the job.  

Get in touch: [email protected]

Check out Allison: 

Instagram/TikTok: @afeikes 

Her dog Gnocchi’s Instagram: @gnocchi.the.dc.corgi

Check out this podcast: 


Instagram: @fascinating_jobs_pod

Twitter: @fascinatingjobs
